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Zheng Chang-gen, the General Manager and his colleagues are awaiting respectfully your arrival.

Zhen Yu company is committed in the design,derelopment production and distributing of warning lightings,siren and loudhailer. 振宇公司是专业从事警示灯、警报器扬声器的设计、开发、生产及销售的企业。
Zhen Zhibin, Ben Kunlong, Tian Baoping, Zheng Yongtang. 1992 Serological survey for antibodies to simian type D retrovirus of macaque colony in China. Journal of Medical Primatology ., 21: 87-90. 陈志斌、贲昆龙、田保平、郑永唐1992中国猴群的猴D型逆转病毒抗体的血清学调查。医学灵长类学杂志,21:87-90。
ZhenTian is good at dealing with all kinds of legal affairs in finance, real estate, patent, trademark, capital reform, imports &exports, maritime affairs and criminal vindication. 事务所擅长办理金融、房地产、专利、商标、资产重组、进出口商务、海事海商、刑事辩护等各类法律事务,同时还根据社会需要和当事人委托,承办其他非诉讼法律事务。
Zheng Baolai,Yang Lan,Yang Dehua,Kuang Bangyu,Wang Zuxiang*,Li Dehao* et al.,1985 Fauna Sinica Aves Vol. 8:Passeriformes (Eurylaimidae and Irenidae). Science Press,Beijing,China. 9郑宝赉、杨岚、杨德华、匡邦郁、王祖祥*、李德浩*等1985中国动物志,鸟纲,第八卷:雀形目(阔嘴鸟科,和平鸟科)。科学出版社,北京。
Zheng Bijian, Director of Forum of China's reform and opening up pointed out that China's rise was the rise of the big market with 1.3 billion to 1.5 billion people. 中国改革开放论坛理事长郑必坚指出,中国和平崛起从一个很重要的方面来看,就是13亿至15亿人口的市场大国的兴起。
Zheng Chang-gen, the General Manager and his colleagues are awaiting respectfully your arrival. 总经理郑长根先生率全体同仁恭候阁下的光临。
Zheng Guoguang, head of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), announced the decision to use rockets at a teleconference in Beijing to mark the start of the practice drill. 中国气象局领导郑国光表示,北京电话会议通过了使用火箭的决议标志著演习的开始。
Zheng He's expeditions can be divided into two periods. 其实,郑和每次出使的目的和任务是各不相同的。
Zheng Huiying &Li Jiandong. 1999. The Saline Vegetation and its Restoration on the Songnen Plains. Science Press, Beijing. 郑慧莹,李建东.1999.松嫩平原盐生植被与盐碱化草地恢复.科学出版社,北京.
Zheng Li, Lei Wang, Junqi Shi, &Wei Shi. Support for Exclusionism as an Independent Dimension of Social Dominance Orientation in Mainland China. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. In press. 王明姬,王垒,施俊琦.社会比较倾向量表中文版的信效度检验.中国心理卫生杂志,2006,20(5),302-305,316.
Zheng Vassal Yi's valuable musical instruments symbolize ancient imperial royalties' ceremonial ware and authority, which are stored at the imperial temple at normal times, rarely seen by commoners, and the ensemble of musical instruments and system, gaug 曾侯乙的名贵乐器,象徵古代皇族的神器与威权,平时陈列在太庙中,一般平民是不容易见到的,这一套乐器与制度是从形制与纹饰上判断,是由一位深通乐理的人在几次整合下所形成的庞大复杂系统。

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