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Calculation of neutron emission characteristics (energy and yield as a function of angle) as a function of energy for one charged particle reaction; discussion of uncertainities.

Calculating case fatality as the number of deaths reported divided by the number of cases reported irrespective of the time elapsed since they became ill gives an underestimate of the true case fatality ratio. 仅用报告的死亡数除以报告的病例数而不考虑发病仍在继续,这样统计的病例病死率将低于真实的病死率。
Calculating on this basis we see that the estimate of 36,000 kms as the Earth's circumference comes quite close to the actual circumference known today. 在此计算的基础上,我们得知地球的周长大约是36,000公里,与今天所知的实际周长非常接近。
Calculating supply amount of karst underground water in spring valley by synthetic permeance coefficieint method is introduced.The question of error in observing all area balanced calculation in Fengfeng mine area is expouned. 应用综合渗入系数法进行泉域岩溶地下水补给计算,解决了峰峰矿区用小流域观测全区均衡计算过程中误差较大的问题。
Calculating the energy of a vacuum state is a difficult problem and usually depends on finding suitable approximations. 计算真空态能量是个困难的问题,而且往往取决于是否能够找到贴切与合适的逼近方式。
Calculation and stimulation show that the influence of phase quantification is more than that of amplitude quantification and the influence of quantification on circular arrays is less than that on 1ine arrays. 通过计算和仿真可以看出,量化对圆阵方向图的影响小于对线阵方向图的影响,且相位量化对方向图的影响要远远大于幅度量化对此的影响。
Calculation of neutron emission characteristics (energy and yield as a function of angle) as a function of energy for one charged particle reaction; discussion of uncertainities. 以蒙地卡罗方法设计及评估对于产生中子的低能量、高流率的加速器设施屏壁防护。
Calculation of overrunning clutch in a large tyre crane hoisting mechanism is conducted. 在此基础上,以某大型轮胎起重机起升机构的超越离合器为例,进行扭转刚度的分析。
Calculation of quantity of soil evaporation takes an important part in moisture content prediction, rainfall surface flow calculation and evaluation of water resources. 摘要土壤蒸散发量的计算,在墒情预报、降雨径流计算及水资源评价中都占有重要的地位。
Calculation results illustrate that decreasing the blade hub-to-shroud loading level can increase the impeller adiabatic efficiency, and that aft-loaded impeller can obtain higher impeller adiabatic efficiency. 计算结果表明,在一定范围内,降低叶片轮缘-轮毂方向的负荷可以提高叶轮效率,后加载方式可以改善离心压气机叶轮性能。
Calculation results of an arch dam show that the stress-oriented shape optimization design method can rationally adjust the stress state of the dam so as to reach a higher safety factor. 以该模型计算某高拱坝的结果表明,以应力为目标的拱坝体型优化设计,可合理地调整坝体应力状态,从而获得更高的安全储备。
Calculation results show that by the heat pump technology, the freezing heat can be used economically and practicably, and therefore be taken as a low temperature heating source for buildings. 计算结果表明,热泵可以在经济、可行的前提下大量利用冷水凝固热,作为建筑的低温供暖热源。

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