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I, even I, am the Lord, And there is no savior besides Me.

I've seen the video again and Petr had already got hold of the ball. 我已经再次看了录像带,当时切赫已经拿到球了。
I've shown a lot of stability and resistance to movement. “我在比赛中灌输了太多稳定和保守的打法。”
I've stated on many occasions how I wanted to reduce payroll, improve our talent base at the Minor League level and improve our chances of trying to be the best we possibly can be,Cashman said. 很多时刻我的选择是我如何想要节省薪资上的开支,同时补强小联盟基础的战力,并改变我们的机会、尝试让我们的战绩能更好。
I've tried to block out the saga of the last few weeks and concentrate on playing football. That's my job. “我会尝试把过去几周的事情忘掉并集中精力去踢球。这是我的工作。”
I've waited a long, long, long, long, long time for that,he told MUTV. To celebrate with the fans after scoring has been one of my aims over the last few years. “为此我已经等了很长很长时间,”他在接受MUTV时表示,“和球迷一起庆祝进球是我这几年来的梦想。”
I, even I, am the Lord, And there is no savior besides Me. 赛43:11惟有我是耶和华、除我以外没有救主。
I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, And I find knowledge and discretion. 箴8:12我智慧以灵明为居所、又寻得知识和谋略。
I... already told you,he replied weakly. “我……早就告诉过你了,”他虚弱的回答道。
I...am here to explain the wisdom of centaurs, which is impersonal and impartial. “我在这里要讲的是马人客观、公允的见解。
I.B.M. has a policy of not confirming or denying rumors. 的政策是:不对流言作任何回应.
IS-IS is a routing algorithm used by the ISO protocol stack. IS是一种在ISO协议栈中使用的路由算法。

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