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If you go to sleep on your back, you're a very open person.

If you go this way, you might get into trouble with the police. 如果你这么做的话,警方会找你的麻烦。
If you go to New York for a visit, don't miss the Statue of Liberty. 你要到纽约去游览的话,一定要去看看自由女神像。
If you go to a company's Web site and see what products it offers, and that Web site actually remembers what you bought, what your interests are, and talks to you about different things there, that's a fundamental basis of competition for that company ver 如果你去一个公司的网站而且看见它提供什麽产品,而且那个网站实际上记得你买的事情,你的兴趣是什么,和对你的谈话有关不同的事物事在那里,那是对另外的那家公司的竞争一种基本的基础。
If you go to a formal wed-ding, you had better pull out the pearls and consider black lace or a pretty little suit. 如果你去参加一个很正式的婚礼,你最好把珍珠取下来,系上黑色饰带,或穿一身小巧别致的套服。
If you go to bed now, I've read you a bedtime story. 假使你现在就上床睡觉,我就念个睡前故事给你听。
If you go to sleep on your back, you're a very open person. 如果你是仰卧着入睡的,说明你是个心胸开阔的人。
If you go to work in time to do some bosses do not want to see the operation, or in the home to do some other family members do not want to see the operation, then this procedure is right for you. 如果你在上班时间做一些不希望老板看到的操作,或者在家里做一些不希望其它家庭成员看到的操作,那么这个程序正好适合你。
If you go up for a shot and you are fouled, does it still coount as a shot attempt? 如果是的话,这将对该球员的投篮命中率造成影响。
If you go up high , then use your own legs! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other People's back and heads. 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处,不要坐在别人的背上和头上。
If you got a chance to meet up President Bush, what would you say on the war agaist Iraq? 如果你有机会见到布什总统,你会针对对伊战争和他说什么呢?
If you got caught in the deep part of the river, you could easily be swept down stream where there are very dangerous rapids. 如果你卷进深水处,很容易被河水冲下去,卷到危险的急流里去。

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