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Construction of fused osmoregulation proBA gene from a salt-tolerant mutant of Bacillus subtilis and its influence on the osmotolerance of Escherichia coli

The Home Range of Phrynocephalus vlangalii 青海沙蜥的巢域研究
A Study of Symbioses between Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang and Wiebesia pumilae 爱玉及其传粉昆虫的共生关系
Absorption characteristics of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in different clayey soils 甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)在不同粘性土壤中的吸附特性
Phenolic Constituents of Galls of Quercus variabilis and Their Activities 栓皮栎虫瘿的酚性成分及其生物活性
A New Bridged Ring Compound from Hypericum bellum 美丽金丝桃中的一个新桥环化合物
Construction of fused osmoregulation proBA gene from a salt-tolerant mutant of Bacillus subtilis and its influence on the osmotolerance of Escherichia coli 渗透压调节基因proBA的融合表达对大肠杆菌耐高渗胁迫能力的影响
Resistance of Staphylococcus and Its Mechanism 葡萄球菌属的耐药性及耐药机制探讨
Exhibiting a Mistake of Cell Cycle Analysis in Flowcytom etry through Analyzing the Cell Arrest Model Induced by Camptothecin 从细胞阻滞模型来看流式细胞术中细胞周期分析的误区
Analysis of heat and mass transfer on cornea in vacuum freeze-drying experiment 角膜真空冷冻干燥实验的传热传质分析
Perspectives:Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells 诱导多潜能干细胞
Significance of anatomic characters of patella in Chinese during total knee arthroplasty 国人髌骨解剖标志点在髌骨置换截骨中意义

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