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Why did you stay among the campfires to hear the whistling for the flocks? In the districts of Reuben there was much searching of heart.

Why did you run away from me? 你为什么从我身边跑开?
Why did you say good-bye to Grandpa? 你为什么对爷爷说再见?
Why did you shake the tree? 你为什么摇那树?
Why did you shave it off? 你为什么把它刮了?
Why did you start figure skating? 是什么让你们从事花样滑冰这项事业?
Why did you stay among the campfires to hear the whistling for the flocks? In the districts of Reuben there was much searching of heart. 16你为何坐在羊圈内听群中吹笛的声音呢?在流便的溪水旁有心中设大谋的。
Why did you stay at home? 为什么呆在家里?
Why did you stay away from school? 你为什么缺课?
Why did you take gurneys out into the field instead of using just the backboard? Speed is of the essence. 为什么你们采用担架推车进出而不用担架板呢?速度是关键。
Why did you turn away? 为什么你走了?
Why did you two part the best of friends last week? 为什么你们这两个最好的朋友上周分手了?

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