He always speaks well of you to my face.
他总是在我面前称赞你。 |
He always speaks with a unique accent.
他说话总是有一股子特别的腔调。 |
He always sponges off others.
他总是揩别人的油. |
He always stand by his promises .
他总是信守承诺。 |
He always stands his ground.
他总是坚持自己的立场。 |
He always sticks to his promises.
他总是信守承诺。 |
He always stood in awe of his father.
他一向敬畏他的父亲。 |
He always studies so hard that he makes great progress.
他总是那么努力,这样他才会取得很大的进步。 |
He always swears and blasphemes when he's drunk.
他酒醉后总是骂骂咧咧亵渎神灵。 |
He always take along with him a mini english dictionary in order to look up new words whenever possible.
他经常随身携带英语字典以便随时查阅新单词。 |
He always takes a wagon to carry his newspapers.
他总是用一辆板车装报纸。 |