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In any case, the style is all-American.

In any case, the border has been so porous for so long that people now have plenty of reasons to steal across it other than work. 不论在何种情况,这条边界线开放了太长的时间,除了工作外,人们还有其他更多的越境原因。
In any case, the game isn't suited for more casual players who may only have time to play for 30 minutes to an hour. 游戏内在某些特定区域有着适合的交响乐曲,不过音效部分就很简陋。
In any case, the guy to watch here is Chen. 不管怎样,现在站在岸上看的是陈海涛。
In any case, the more costly experiments in beautification are still as much beyond most European means as are high-powered motor-cars and electric refrigerators. 无论怎样,在装饰自己上更为昂贵的试验和大马力汽车及电冰箱一样都是欧洲人的经济能力所不及的。
In any case, the oldest universe-maintaining conceptualizations available to us are mythological in form. “在许多例子中,神话是人们用来维持共同体概念化最古老的形式”。
In any case, the style is all-American. 且不论那一种「方言」,烹饪是一种人人皆懂的语言。
In any case, these three suppositions are grounded in the conceptions of the realm of endsand rational beings in Kantian philosophy. 这三方面的假设都是以康德哲学的“目的王国”及理性的实践主体作为其理论前提的。
In any case, this is a dangerous argument. 在任何情况下,这都是一个危险的理由。
In any case, we all start on the same level. 不管怎么说,大家都是在一个起跑线上了。”
In any case, we can't win the race. 无论如何,我们无法赢得这比赛。
In any case, we will continue to work on updates to reduce lag. 我们会一直努力来断绝卡的问题。

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