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Apart from the reason of heredity, the dark and yellow skins are caused by the abnormal metabolism of the cutin on the epidermis and incomplete cleansing of oil and dirt.

Apart from the naivety of Lula's foreign policy in South America, there are two graver reasons why Brazil's president has lost his shine. 撇开卢拉幼稚的拉美外交政策不谈,有两个更严重的原因使得巴西总统的风采不再。
Apart from the netizens, the mainstream Chinese media are also commenting. By comparison, the mainstream articles are more magnanimousand even-keeled. 除了网民以外,中国的主流媒体也正在热议。对比来看,主流媒体的文章更“宽宏大量”和“一碗水端平”。
Apart from the objective factors, the main reason is Ding's subjective false report. 除了客观因素外,丁汝昌的主观谎报是最主要的原因。
Apart from the period feel which seems to my untrained eye to be perfect, the main performance is utterly convincing. 对我这个外行来说,除了其中一段给人完美无缺的感受外,主要表演也是绝对令人折服的。
Apart from the preceding Section, the sponsor must, in organizing boxing, marathon, rock scaling, parachuting, gliding, hot-air ballooning, car-racing, motor-cycling and other sports contests with acute antagonism, extreme intensity or greater danger, als 除前款规定外,举办拳击、马拉松、攀岩、跳伞、滑翔、热气球、汽车、摩托车和对抗剧烈、超大强度或者危险性较大的其他体育竞赛,举办人还应当提供医疗急救方案。
Apart from the reason of heredity, the dark and yellow skins are caused by the abnormal metabolism of the cutin on the epidermis and incomplete cleansing of oil and dirt. 黯淡无光、偏晦黄色肌肤,除了遗传原因外,常常是由于表皮的角质层无法正常代谢、油脂、污垢无法彻底清除而导致的。
Apart from the salary, it's not a bad job. 除工资(偏低)外,这工作不错。
Apart from the sparse decorations in Chinatown, the rest of the city weren't partaking. 除了唐人街稀稀拉拉地装点起来以外,城市的其余地区都置身于外。
Apart from the trainers at the gym and the housekeeper who comes to our house every other day—and of course the bare 4)minimum required to get by at school—I hardly talked to anyone. 除去同体育馆教练员的交谈,除去跟隔一天上门一次的家政阿姨之间的三言两语以及学校必不可少的几句话,我差不多不向任何人开口。
Apart from the value of the frugivorous diet to man himself, it also brings great benefit to our younger brothers, the sub-human creatures. 「蔬食除了对人的身体有益外,亦能比我们年幼的低一级动物带来非常大的利益。
Apart from this crucially important integration of marginal realities, the symbolic universe provides the highest level of integration for the discrepant meanings actualized within everyday life in society. “除了这个至关重要的边际实体整合,意义共同体为了让各种分歧意义在生活世界实现”,提供了最高层次的整合。

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