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Construction and identification of mouse EMSP1 gene targeting vector

The Cloning and Functional Analysis of Sinorhizobium Fredii 042BS Regulaltory Modulation Genes 费氏中华根瘤菌042BS结瘤调节基因的克隆及功能检测
The Mutation of Valine201 and Valine289 Influences the Activity of Recombiant Vibrio vulnificus Hemolysin 重组创伤弧菌溶细胞素缬氨酸V201和V289突变对其活性的影响
Regression Test of an Isolated Strain of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus 牛病毒性腹泻-粘膜病病毒地方株动物回归试验
Crisis Caused by Ecology Unbalance and Community Culture——The Eco-anthology Introduction of Worm Sacrifice and Pesticide 生态型不均衡与共同体文化的危机——虫祭与农药的生态人类学
Improving D-carbamoylase Soluble Expression by Site-directed Mutagenesis 定点突变提高D-氨甲酰水解酶的可溶性表达
Construction and identification of mouse EMSP1 gene targeting vector 小鼠釉基质丝氨酸蛋白酶基因打靶载体的构建及鉴定
Effects of dimethoate and triazophos on ultra-structural lesions in gill of Sinonovacula constricta 两种有机磷农药对缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)鳃超微结构的影响
Sodium Chloride Step Gradients Centrifuge to Fractionate Foreign DNA Fragment for Microinjection 氯化钠密度梯度离心法制备用于显微注射的外源DNA片段
Screening of proteins binding with HBV X promoter by phage display technique from human liver cDNA phage library 噬菌体展示技术筛选乙型肝炎病毒X抗原基因启动子DNA结合蛋白
Screening of the hypoxia-related splicing regulatory factors of C.elegans 秀丽线虫缺氧相关剪接调节因子的筛查
Construction and characterization of an infectious cDNA clone of novel dengue serotype 1 virus Guangzhou 06 strain 登革1型病毒广州06株基因组全长感染性克隆的构建与鉴定

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