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Is the Yankees' rotation struggling because they don't have a pick-me-up charm?

Is the Oxford eight winning? 牛津的划艇队能赢吗?
Is the Pressure Cuff Too Small ? 检查袖带是否偏小?
Is the Sand Plant manual or mechanized? 手工造型还是自动造型?
Is the Supreme Court up-to-date enough to acknowledge the reality of new media? 最高法院答复新媒体的的知识足够新了吗?
Is the War on Iraq Lawful? 伊拉克战争合法吗?
Is the Yankees' rotation struggling because they don't have a pick-me-up charm? 是否洋基先发轮值挣扎是因为他们没有带来好运的吉祥物?
Is the action necessary or unnecessary? 这个行动有必要还是没必要?
Is the advantage existent when a small Japanese Dao comes across a Dao with late Ming dynasty's style? 小日本的刀遇上这么带有明代后期风格的刀还会有优势吗?
Is the agent continuously connected to the internet? 客户端程序需要长时间地连接网络吗?
Is the alarm clock ringing? 闹钟响了吗?
Is the aquascape composed well? (Is there compositional balance in the aquascape? Does the layout give a sense of illusionary depth within the layout space to the viewers? 布景是否组合得很好?(布景的组成是否具有平衡感?是否给人以纵深感?)

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