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We put fence round the vegetable garden to keep the chickens out.

We put a tarpaulin across the window to block out the sun-light. 我们将油布横挂在窗子上遮住阳光。
We put aside our own dignity, personality and obstinacy only because we won't let go of some one. 我们放下尊严,放下个性,放下固执,都只是因为放不下一个人。
We put beef in the stew with lots of onions and garlic. 我们放了加有许多洋葱及大蒜的牛肉到炖锅中.
We put down a deposit on a new car today. 我们今天支付新车的定金。
We put each dish on a place mat. 我们把每个盘子放在餐具垫上。
We put fence round the vegetable garden to keep the chickens out. 我们用篱笆把菜园围起来,不让小鸡近来.
We put forward a product conceptual design model based on data mining tool, and explore the product function design and mapping of function and structure based on data mining technology. 摘要提出了基于数据挖掘工具的产品概念设计模型,探讨了产品功能设计和基于数据挖掘技术的功能-结构映射。
We put forward a tentative suggestion at the meeting. 在会上我们提出了一个实验性的建议。
We put forward that incentive effects of debt is functioned under certain conditions, and debt has substitution effect on incentive contracts, also debt has coordination effects and we show the approach to use debt in coordinating the interests of investo 本文指出债务契约发挥激励效应的条件,并指出债务契约具有对激励契约的替代效应,同时指出债务契约具有协调效应以及通过再谈判协调投资者与企业家利益的债务调整方式。
We put forward the graphical theory model of JSP, and analyze the cause of unfeasible scheduling and its characteristic, then educe the sufficient and necessary condition that a feasible scheduling solution requires. 本文通过作业车间调度问题数学模型的图论形式,深人分析了产生不可行调度的原因及其特徵,得出了一个可行调度的充要条件。
We put great effort into improving government legislation. 我们高度重视政府法制建设。

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