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He seemed somewhat loath to depart.

He seemed resigned to poverty. 他似乎对贫穷很听天由命。
He seemed satisfied with my description of how the machine works, but I was skating on thin ice because I don't really know much about it myself. 他似乎很满意我对机器操作的叙述,可是我却如履薄冰,因为我自己对那机器实在了解不多。
He seemed serenely unaware that anything had gone wrong. 他神色平静,似乎不知道已经出事了。
He seemed so cool I feared I had offended him. 他看上去非常冷淡,我恐怕在什么地方冒犯了他。
He seemed so much like a Westerner that he might just as well have been one. 是否翻译为:他看起来非常像一个西方人,他可能本来就是一个西方人。
He seemed somewhat loath to depart. 他似乎不愿离去。
He seemed surprised to meet us. 见到我们他似乎觉得意外。
He seemed tired of living. 他们似乎对生活感到厌倦。
He seemed to be doing some strange sort of dance, because he kept thrashing the air around his head with his arms. 他两手在头边不断挥舞着,看上去好像在跳着奇怪的舞蹈。
He seemed to be out of tone with surroundings. 他似乎与周围环境不协调。
He seemed to be quick-tempered, but was actually not difficult to deal with. 他似乎性子急躁,但实际上并不难相处。

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