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Oh, yeah, join the club,yet another man replies.

Oh, thank Heaven! I am so ugly that even the dog won't bite me!sighed the duckling. 这只小鸭叹息说:“哦,谢谢老天爷!我是这么丑,因此连狗都不会咬我!”
Oh, thank you,the nurse said in French. What is your name? “哦,谢谢你,”护士用法语说,“你叫什么名字?”
Oh, that I'm keenly aware of,I hastened to reassure him. There's nothing much wrong with her front half either! “噢,这个我确实注意到了,”我很快使他放心。“她前面那一半也没有不对劲的地方。”
Oh, the piper! Let's go with him. I like the piper. “哦,吹笛者!让咱们跟着他去。我喜欢吹笛者。”
Oh, these lady artists!said Joyce, laughing. “哦,那些女画家!”乔伊斯笑着说。
Oh, yeah, join the club,yet another man replies. “哦,嗯,加入俱乐部,”又一男子答复.
Oh, yes, I will call you,cried Colin, quite flushing. 喔,好吧,我给你打电话,考林大声说,脸涨得很红.
Oh, yes. A lot of people,said Judy. 「哦,有的。有很多人。」朱蒂说。
Oh, yes. You've got a point here. In this case, time is money for both of us.added the driver. “是呀,你找到了一个好的论据。从现在这种情况看,时间对我们两个来说都是金钱。”司机答到。
Oh, you fool,said the father, why do you want to run about? 「你个小傻瓜,」父亲大声说,「你现在要是到处跑来跑去,待会儿就会累得连胳膊都抬不起来了。
Oh, you should see it,Mrs. Jennings said. A lovely pond, filled with koi. “噢,你是应该看看,”詹宁斯太太说,“是个很漂亮的鱼池,满池的金色鲤鱼。”

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