W1: Yes, I think it takes a lot of hard work.
难,我觉得学外语要花很多工夫。 |
W1: Yes, the Chinese are very tolerant.
是的。中国人很懂得容忍。 |
W1:Chinese are very ho itable and kind-hearted.
中国人民热情好客,亲切友好。 |
W1:Chinese are very hospitable and kind-hearted.
中国人民热情好客,亲切友好。 |
W1:I have to say George Bush is the most important person right now.
当前的风云人物非乔治?布什莫属。 |
W2: Ancient culture and modern development exist side by side.
传统文化和现代化发展共存。 |
W2: China was much more modern than I expected. The cities are filled with skyscrapers.
中国比我想象中的要更现代化。城市里到处是摩天大楼。 |
W2: I hate the way people spit and litter. It really turns me off.
我讨厌人们随地吐痰、乱丢垃圾,这令我很反感。 |
W2: It's really awesome! Words can't describe it!
真令人敬佩!无法用言语来形容。 |
W2: It's really proof of the China's greatness and wisdom.
那可真是中国人民伟大和智慧的见证。 |
W2: No, Chinese worry about losing face a lot more than people in my country.
不,中国人比我们国家的人更爱面子。 |