In the monthly NYPD Community Affairs seminar, information regarding the security tips during the Chinese New Year, fire safety, firework restriction, and children safety were released to the public.
在每月最后一个星期五在中华公所举办的纽约市警察局社区事务会议上,专业人士向侨胞讲解有关农历新年防盗、防火知识、儿童安全等题目。 |
In the months that followed, Arthur's squadron replaced its older American Hawk fighters with newer British Gloster Gladiators.
在以后的几个月里,亚瑟领导的中队以新的英国格洛斯特格斗者代替了年老的美国鹰派战斗机。 |
In the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me, I leave my answers in tears upon the grass.
夜对太阳说道:“在月亮中,你送了你的情书给我。”“我已在绿草上留下了我的流着泪点的回答了。” |
In the moon thou sendest thy love letters to me.
夜对太阳说道:“在月亮中,你送了你的情书给我。” |
In the moral structure of contemporary society which is open, equal and diversified, there are three basal elements, that is, the base line of ethics, common faith, and ultimate care.
摘要当代开放、平等、多元社会的道德结构应当包括底线伦理、共同信念和终极关怀三个基本要素。 |
In the morden world, It is also used for business between countries.
在现代社会,英语也用在不同国家之间的商业来往。 |
In the more acuter marketing competition, we have understood deeply: the designing of product, course of produce and service after sale all are important link about existence of company, so we don't dare relax a litter.
在日趋激烈的市场竞争中,我们深刻体会到:无论是从产品的设计开发到生产过程乃至售后服务皆是企业赖以生存、相辅相成的重要环节,因为我们丝毫不敢懈怠。 |
In the more advanced fungi, especially the Basidiomycota, nuclei may fuse some considerable time after fusion of hyphae of different mating strains, forming a dikaryon.
在较高等的真菌中,尤其在担子菌门中,不同类型的菌丝融合后细胞核需要较长的时间进行融合,从而形成双核体。 |
In the morning Marlowe and Van Norden leave to search for the false teeth. Marlowe is blubbering. He imagines they are his teeth.
早上马洛和范诺登出去寻找那副假牙。马洛又哭又闹,他还以为那是他的假牙呢。 |
In the morning a sea smashed one of the gally doors.
早晨,一个巨浪呼啦一声把厨房的一扇门撞得粉碎。 |
In the morning at sunrise, advance against the city. When Gaal and his men come out against you, do whatever your hand finds to do.
33到早晨太阳一出、你就起来、闯城.迦勒和跟随他的人出来攻击你的时候、你便向他们见机而作。 |