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She had risen from a lowly beginning to the heights of business and flight.

She had recently been granted the right to fight for half of her late oil baron husband's £800million fortune in the US Supreme Court. 她最近由美国最高法院授权继承其已故丈夫--石油大亨8亿英镑遗产的一半。
She had reminded him of the truth; for his first step upwards in the service he had been indebted to her father. 她使公爵回想起真实的往事:公爵开始供职时,他所取得的成就归功于她的父亲。
She had repaired her broken doll. 她修补了破的洋娃娃.
She had repaired the broken doll. 她修补了破的洋娃娃.
She had ringed the important dates on her calendar in red. 她用红笔把年历上的重要日期都圈了起来。
She had risen from a lowly beginning to the heights of business and flight. 她从低处开始起步,到达了事业与飞行的高峰。
She had scarcely fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her. 她刚要睡着,忽然敲门的声音把她惊醒。
She had screwed up and had to do it all over again. 她把事情搞坏了,得重新做过。
She had slightly better today . 213她今天稍微好一些。
She had some reason to put the question, for shame and pride threw double gloom over his countenance, and kept him immovable. 她有理由问这样的问题,出于羞愧和骄傲,她把一双手套扔到可他的脸上,但是抓着他不放。
She had sons almost old enough to be called for duty. 她的几个儿子几乎到了被召入伍的年龄。

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