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To put forward the rationalizations for the process of the chosen plant engineering in design, procurement, manufacture, store and transportation,install,test and verify.

To push/monitor EHS implementation status in SCMC's system. 推动/监控SCMC环境与安全体系的实施。
To put down the strike, the bosses have sent out a troop of riot pickets. 为了镇压罢工,老板们派出一队防暴纠察.
To put economic globalization and trade liberalization in perspective is of overreaching importance to the healthy development of the global economy. 正确认识和把握经济全球化和贸易自由化问题,对促进全球经济健康发展具有十分重要的意义。
To put fly on left side table. 钮牌放在右边车檯。
To put forward advices to the actions which disobey the contract or relevant laws and policies of the state during the implement of a project, and report it to relevant side and department. (六)对项目执行中,在违反承包合同或国家有关法律法规要求的行为提出劝告,并向有关方面和部门报告。
To put forward the rationalizations for the process of the chosen plant engineering in design, procurement, manufacture, store and transportation,install,test and verify. (二)对选择设备工程设计、采购、制造、储运、组装、测试、检验等过程提出合理化建议。
To put into nutshell, it is the necessary way of development of library that the high-tech must be imported in the future. 不错的文章。我能给6分了。但是里面一些小错误下次不能范了。不知道是否是在40分钟写完的呢?
To put into operation a large amount of non-linear load, make in harmony wave of rural power grids serious becoming in pollution, pass to rural local electric wire netting main in harmony analysis of wave source, put forward in order to restrain from inse 摘要大量非线性负荷的投运,使农村电网的谐波污染日趋严重,通过对农村地方电网主要谐波源的分析,最终提出了以限制接入农村电网的谐波源的电压总谐波畸变率和各次谐波电压含有率为目标的增加换流装置脉动数,以及在谐波源附近装设小额定值的电力有源滤波器配以无源滤波器的混合型电力滤波方式,以进行谐波治理。
To put into operation during start-up and thereafter lead both the technical and quality functions at TPCG site, in order to ensure its reputation as a world leader in the manufacture of quality solar glass. 领导太仓厂投产时和建成之后的技术和质量方面的工作,以保证其世界太阳能玻璃制造业领头羊的声誉。
To put it another way, if we eat no more calories than we burn, we store no fat. 也就是说,我们摄取的热量要是不超过身体需要的话,我们是不会变胖的。
To put it another way, it dischronologizes them — not to mislead me, but to serve its intended purpose, to function as a memorable device for recalling the number of days in the months. 换句话说,它弄乱了它们的次序──不是为了误导我,而是为了达成它的目的,就是作为记忆的工具,以记住月份的天数。

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