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In early spring, before the vast sheets of ice break up, they may have to walk 31 miles (50 kilometers) from their onshore nests to reach open water.

In early modem England, the overseas trade experienced a process from weakness to mightiness. 摘要近代早期英国海外贸易由弱到强不断得到发展。
In early negotiations it appeared that Barclays might agree to move its head office to Amsterdam. 初步的谈判显示巴克莱有可能同意将总部迁至阿姆斯特丹。
In early phase of rheumatoid arthritis, the disease is characterized by remissions and relapses. 类风湿关节炎的早期特征是时好时坏。
In early prototypes the voltage needed to switch ion flow on and off was 75 volts, far too high to incorporate into modern integrated circuits. 在初期原型产品中,用以开关离子流的电压为75伏特,远高于目前积体电路所能承受的限度。
In early spring the king's house was finished and he decided to hold a housewarming party. 初春时,国王的房子已经完工。他决定举行一场宴会,以庆祝乔迁之喜。
In early spring, before the vast sheets of ice break up, they may have to walk 31 miles (50 kilometers) from their onshore nests to reach open water. 在早春季节,巨大的冰块尚未破碎之前,它们可以行走50公里从陆上的巢穴来到开阔的水里。
In early spring, we send out Easter cards. 在春天来临时,我们会寄复活节卡。
In early years of the Western Han Dynasty, agriculture was already well advanced. The farm tools displayed here are a hand plow, animal-drawn seed plow, winnower, waterwheel, etc. 西汉(公元前206——公元年)初年,农耕工具的发明促进了中国农业的发展。展出农具有:耕、犁、耧车、扇车、翻车等。
In earnest, he developed a selflessness that dominated his whole life, but not without personal sacrifice. 他坚定不移地培养了一种无私的精神,这种精神贯穿他的一生,从不考虑个人的得失。
In eating, he's the spitting image of his father. 在吃东西方面,他特别象他的父亲。
In ecological angle, a basic way to solve ecological crisis is taking the view of ecoethnics, i.e., the harmonious coexistence of man, nature and society as the guideline. 摘要在生态学视野内,以生态伦理学观照人-自然-社会整个生态系统的和谐共生为指导思想是走出生态危机的一条根本途径。

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