“jinlu” household series: It is made of regenerated reed. The advantages of these products are softness, cleanness, high absorptivity ect. They are very popular on market.
金芦"牌系列生活用纸具有纸质柔软、吸水性强、拉力好、绉纹均匀细腻,原料以高温高压蒸煮,无致病性细菌、洁净卫生等特点,市场销路很好,深受用户好评。 |
“love is patient,” starts a verse in the Bible.
圣经的开始经文说;“爱是兼容忍耐”。 |
“my salad days,/When I was green in judgment” (Shakespeare).
“我那青春年少的时期/那时我的判断力还很稚嫩”(莎士比亚)。 |
“nephew-thrasher”, sister-supporter”, “initiate-warrior”, “rain-dance virtuoso”, and so forth.
「鞭打侄子的人」、「姊妹的支持者」、「创始的战士」、「祈雨舞的艺术爱好者」,诸如此类。 |
“no , I don't know . If you ‘d been on your feet all day a block would look like one hell of a long way .
“什么为什么?我就是想把车留在那儿。就是想走一会。路又不远,你知道的。” |
“no. he is a killer, a murderer!
“不!他是个凶手,凶手。” |
“only the deep sense of some deathless shame” (John Webster).
“只深深地感到某种永远存在的耻辱”(约翰·韦伯斯特)。 |
“party b guarantees that he is the legitimate owner of the know-how and technical documentation supplied to party a in accordance with the contract, and that he has the right to transfer them to party a, if the third party accuses party b of infringement,
乙方保证本合同规定提供的一切专有技术和技术资料的合法所有者并有权向甲方转让,如果发生第三方指控侵权,由乙方负责与第三方交涉并承担法律上和经济上的全部责任。 |
“quality ahead, Credit standing paramountcy, User first, service the supreme” is Hisun's tenet. Wish to Cooperate and communion with worldwide consumers. Let's creat resplendence together.
公司一贯坚持“质量第一,信誉第一,用户至上,竭诚服务”的宗旨,愿同国内外用户进行广泛的合作与交流,共创辉煌。 |
“radiator bloated shape connect device?” is a kind of special device carrying on the “bloated connection?”, for the main purpose of cooling other equipments down.
散热器胀形连接装置是一种主要用来对冷却器件进行胀形连接的专用设备. |
“rankings create powerful incentives to manipulate data and distort institutional behaviour.
排名刺激学校操纵数据,歪曲学院行为。 |