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The Kia Cerato obtained poor results in the side impact tests with a high risk of injury to the driver's chest.

The Kerala state AIDS Control Society hopes such campaigns will encourage HIV positive people to come forward and take advantage of the services they offer, such as testing, counselling and anti-retroviral therapy. 喀拉拉爱滋控制学会希望这类的活动,会鼓励HIV患者站出来,接受学会提供服务的好处,例如检验、谘询和抗爱滋治疗等。
The Key Map summarises the overall layout of the city, showing the sequence and location of the zone maps.Map of the metro system and list of stations. 36张城市区域地图,比例从1:5000到1:17000,另有城市中心详图和字母顺序的街道索引。
The Key purpose of the role is to ensure that the Contractors Design is Functional, safe and operable. 其主要目的是确保承包商设计有效,安全且可操作。
The Khan: It has been said to me that the English make a habit of collecting... countries. 可汗:我听说英国人有一种收藏癖,他们收藏的是……国家。
The Khmer Software Initiative has an ambitious though under-funded plan to localize FOSS for Khmer speakers in Cambodia and elsewhere. 谷美尔软件项目有一项虽然资金不足但目标远大的计划,为柬埔寨和其他地方的古美尔语使用者本地化自由/开源软件。
The Kia Cerato obtained poor results in the side impact tests with a high risk of injury to the driver's chest. 起亚“赛拉图”在侧面碰撞中的结果也相当糟糕,对驾驶员胸部造成伤害的风险程度很高。
The Kimono of Japan, national costume of Korea, are mostly developed from Hanfu, or take Hanfu for an important reference. 现在日本、韩国等国家的民族服装,都是由汉服演变而来,或者借鉴了汉服的元素。
The Kindergarten level is eight hours a day of English immersion led by a qualified native English-speaking teacher and Chinese co-teacher. 英国的幼稚园平均每天八小时由一位合格的当地外师和一位中师带领。
The King Under the Mountains is the king of kings among the dwarves, and it is he who sets policy and summons them to war. “山底之王”是所有矮人国王中的王者,他有权利制定法律,召唤其他国王参战。
The King asked, Why is the ape crying? 国王问道:“猿猴哭什么呀?”
The King came from a 14) vastly different life and was 15 years her 15) senior , but they still fell in love. 侯赛因国王的生活背景与她截然不同,而且比她大15岁,但两人仍然坠入爱河。

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