Henry:Hey! I'll trade you one of my sweet bean moon cakes for one of your pineapple ones!
嘿!我想用我的甜豆月饼跟你换一个菠萝月饼! |
Hentique Life Oscar 2006 was revealed from Jun 2nd-Jun 4th.at the lakeside of the famous resort Tianmu Lake.
6月2日至4日,“2006涵田盛典@天目湖——胡润百富生活奥斯卡”在天目湖畔揭幕。 |
Hentique was in charge of planning his luxury activity with HuRun Report, along with various world brands such as Ferrari-Maserati, Brunswick, Hennessy, Robinson, Mikimoto Jewelry, Aurora and Debauve et Gallais,etc.,inviting dozens of social elites and hi
盛典由涵田机构携手胡润百富精心策划,联合法拉利-玛莎拉蒂、宾士域豪华游艇、轩尼诗、罗宾逊、御木本珠宝、奥罗拉、黛堡嘉莱等世界顶级品牌共同发起,邀请到各界名流共襄盛宴,包括比利时领馆驻沪总领事、香港中国书画会会长、德意志银行、东亚银行等外资银行高层及部分跨国企业亚太区总裁、著名影星关之琳以及“胡润百富”2006年最新出炉的中国大陆财富排名的前百名企业家,共同发起一场极致生活体验。 |
Hen:What a great novel!I loved it!
母鸡:多棒的一本小说啊!我喜欢! |
Hep B and Hep C account for the majority of cirrhosis and primary liver cancer throughout most of the world, reports October\'s issue of the Journal of Hepatology.
根据10月份的肝脏学杂志报道,已型和丙型肝炎占据全球原发性肝癌和肝硬化的总数。 |
Heparin in turn binds to growth factors that stimulate blood-vessel growth in natural wound healing.
肝磷脂继而转为生长因子,激发伤口处的血管生长,促进愈合。 |
Heparin, low molecular weight heparin and the glycoprotein blockers, which are injected or given intravenously, are effective at helping to prevent clots and further heart damage.
肝素、低分子量肝素及糖蛋白阻滞剂或通过肌肉注射,或静脉内给予,它们在帮助防止血液凝固和心脏的进一步损伤方面有效。 |
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia occurring after discontinuation of heparin.
肝素停药后发生的肝素相关性血小板减少。 |
Hepatic anterior segmentectomy was done but a tumor mimicking a cyst recurred over the left hepatic lobe 7 months after the second operation.
然而在第二次手术结束的7个月后,在左肝叶又发现一个类似囊肿的肿瘤。 |
Hepatic failure is marked by severe impairment of liver functions and is usually accompanied by encephalopathy; death occurs in over 50% of cases.
肝癌经常同肝硬化和慢性病毒性肝炎伴发;它通常在后期被发现,预后不良。 |
Hepatic transaminases alone are not a reliable marker of liver pathology, and liver histology is essential before consideration for antiviral treatment.
肝脏转氨酶本身对于肝脏的病理学改变不是一个可靠的标记物,肝活检对于考虑进行抗病毒治疗的患者是至关重要的。 |