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They pull corns by the ears.

They provide us fresh produce every day. 他们每天为我们提供新鲜的农产品。
They provide us with food. 他们供给我们食物。
They provide what appears to be strong evidence of peer effects - but then demonstrate that these apparent effects are at work before the peers ever appear. 他们提出了一些表明同伴效应的、表面上看似很有力的证据,但随后他们证明,这些明显的效应甚至在同伴出现之前就在起作用了。
They provisioned the ship for a long voyage. 他们为远航的船只准备了食品和必需品。
They pull at the pure water inside the lake like they never drink any water before, feel the lives come back to their body little by little. (他们像从来没有喝过水那样猛烈的喝着清澈纯净的湖水,感觉到生命在一点一滴的回到身上。)
They pull corns by the ears. 因为他们揪着玉米耳朵掰玉米。
They pull the boat up from the water, what about you? 他们把船从水里拉了出来。你们呢?
They pulled down the shades and broke the Sabbath. 他们放下窗帘,不守安息日的规矩了。
They pulled off their stockings. 他们使劲脱掉了长袜。
They pulled so hard that at last the eagle dropped the dwarf and flew away. 她俩用力拉,终于,老鹰扔掉小矮人飞走了。
They punished people in a cruel and inhuman manner. 他们惨无人道地惩罚他人。

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