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It levels the playing field,' Ms. Lipson said.

It led to a series of international trade negotiations which established a world trading system. 关贸导致了一系列国际贸易谈判,从而建立起一个世界贸易体系。
It led to a veritable Oriental Renaissance. 这导致了真正的东方文艺复兴。
It left 2 military vehicles burning and a large crater where explosives went off. 5名美国士兵被埋伏所杀,2个军车被烧,大规模的地雷被暴露。
It left a nasty taste in my mouth. 它在我嘴钟留下了个恶劣的味道。
It lets me think back the three-eight style rifle's bayonet I played when I was a child. 这刀把让我想起了小时候玩过的三八式步枪的刺刀。
It levels the playing field,' Ms. Lipson said. 李碧菁表示,所有人都将一视同仁。
It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. 它解放了金钱:购买新车或那些华丽的衣服将不会增加我们的幸福,而且那些幸福现在看上去无意义。
It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. 它解放了时间:现在我们能把更多的时间投入到能真正增加我们幸福的活动中。
It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase out happiness. 它解放了时间:现在我们能将更多的时间投入到真正增加我们幸福的活动之中。
It lies in the International Industrial Park of Heliu Town, Yangxin County, Shandong province. 企业占地面积12000平方米,项目总投资1000万元人民币,其中固定资产投资600万元人民币。
It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. 它位于大西洋北部,与欧洲大陆的北海岸隔海相望。

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