Obviously, the strong Euro has helped absorb more of Malaysian products as also the reduction in tariffs under the European Union's Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), down from 6.5 percent to 3 percent.
显然,欧元坚挺以及按欧盟普及特惠税制(GSP)对关税的下调(从6.5%降到3%)都对马来西亚产品出品起到了有利作用。 |
Obviously, the use of language plays a pivotal role in intercultural communication.
很明显的语文的使用在跨文化沟通占了一个关键性的角色。 |
Obviously, there are benefits both to individuals and to society from eliminating, or at least improving, mentally and physically deformed persons.
显然,如果没有了身心不健全的人——或至少他们的状况得到改进,这将对个人和社会来说都是有益的。 |
Obviously, there could be no guarantee that this would once again be the case, but if history is any guideline-and if business and corporate earnings were to continue on the same course-continued optimism over the outlook for the stock market would seem m
保证金率从50%增长到70%,并不是想要遏制群众方面猖獗的投机,而是联邦储备委员会想要保持现存于股市强劲基础--事实上股市由于群众非常庄严的参与--在技术上看起来相当强劲。 |
Obviously, there is no financial gain.
显然,当中没有掺杂金钱的利益。 |
Obviously, there is no universally applicable unified pattern.
可见,没有放之四海而皆准的统一模式。 |
Obviously, there's not much you can do about weather-related events or a massive blackout, but if you're not lucky enough to have a security specialist on your staff, you do have to make sure your network doesn't have gaping holes in it.
很明显,这没有多少天气相关事件或大片中断,但是如果你不幸,你的手下中没有安全专家,你只能确认你的网络没有缺口。 |
Obviously, these are the result of the lack in regular exercise.
很明显的,这就是缺乏运动的结果。 |
Obviously, these people who are gathered are not resurrected, therefore it can't be the rapture.
明显地,这些人被聚集不是复活,所以不是被提。 |
Obviously, these results underline the experience of numerous upland farmers: Cultivation without safeguarding a fast and stable vegetative cover of crops inevitably leads to soil loss which means loss of productivity.
显然,这些结果与无数旱地农民的经验相符合:没有保证作物快速稳定的植被覆盖层的耕作无疑会造成土壤损失,进而引起生产力损失。 |
Obviously, they were beset with wrath-they had no appetite and did not chirp at all, just flapping their wings to jostle against the cage.
它们的愤怒是显而易见的,不太爱吃东西,也不叫,只是在笼子里不停地飞,冲撞着笼子。 |