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A ray of sunlight pierced the clouds.

A rattlesnake is a really mean creature. 响尾蛇是很凶的动物.
A rattlesnake, for instance, has one small pit on each side of its head, filled with thousands of receptor cells, which are actually microscopic-sized infrared sensors. 例如响尾蛇在头部两侧小凹坑里的器官充满数千个受体细胞,这实际上就是显微的红外线感受器。
A rattling sound in the throat caused by obstructed breathing, especially near the time of death. 呼噜声由于呼吸受阻而在喉中发出的短促尖利的声音,尤指人临死前发出的声音
A raving maniac. 一个胡言乱语的疯子
A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower. 舌状花舌状花或这种花的花冠
A ray of sunlight pierced the clouds. 一缕阳光穿透了云层。
A re-deployment of the resources happens naturally because firms that fail to create value cannot purchase sufficient resources or raise capital. 如果企业家无法说服足够的顾客支付足够的价钱来产生利润,这有力地证明了创造的价值不值得使用该资源。
A re-employment project aiming at solving the problems of the jobless and the laid-off worker was initiated in 1994. 为解决事业人员和下岗职工的再就业问题,中国重1994年开始实施再就业工程。
A re-employment project helped nearly 135,000 laid-off workers resulting from state-owned enterprise reform find new jobs last year in Guangzhou. 去年,广州的再就业工程帮助因国企改革下岗的13万5千名工人重新找到了工作。
A re-examination of the prevailing premises of our foreign policy is overdue. 对我们外交政策中占主导地位的出发点重新予以检讨,这已是迫在眉睫。
A reactive measure taken by companies e . in hard times, in order to save money by eliminating waste or u ece ary ending. 公司采取的应付措施,特别是在困难时期,通过减少浪费和不必要的开支来节省资金。

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