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But you know me: when I do something, I do it two hundred percent.

But you have to pay 5% commission on this transaction. 但兑换这笔外币,您得另外付5%的手续费。
But you have to put it together. 可但是得挖掘得磨合啊。
But you have to train yourself to consider price tags in terms of your kid's income, not yours. 但是,你要训练自己根据孩子攒钱的金额而不是你自己的收入水平看待物品的价格。
But you know I don't feel like dressing up to go some place fancy. 不过,我实在不想穿得必恭必敬的去那些大饭馆。
But you know how it is with us human, you take something good, you dissect it, scrutinise it time and again, not believing your good fortune and finally cast it to the nobin. 可是你知道的,对我们人类来说,你以为某件事物很好、你仔细分析它、细看它一次又一次,不相信你的好运,最后又把它丢到「不」的箱子里(不再理它),这真是很消极又愚蠢的。
But you know me: when I do something, I do it two hundred percent. 你是知道我的:当我做事的时候,我就要力求百分之百的完美.
But you know of his proven worth, that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father. 腓2:22但你们知道提摩太的明证、他兴旺福音与我同劳、待我像儿子待父亲一样。
But you know what they say: beauty is only skin-deep. 实际上,她比谁都刻薄和小气。”
But you know what? - What? 但你知道吗?什么?
But you look younger than your age. 但你看上去比你的实际年龄要年轻。
But you may feel a little sick. 但是你可能会觉得有一些恶心。

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