The company is the successful tenderer for the project.
该公司是该项工程的成功投标人或中标人。 |
The company is the unique appointed barter trade cooperator by the uniquely official website (www.caexpo.org ) of China-ASEAN Expo.
公司是中国—东盟自由贸易区博览会官方网站唯一指定的易货贸易合作伙伴。 |
The company is to relocate its headquarters in theMidlands.
公司将把总部迁往英格兰中部. |
The company is trading at a loss.
公司在做亏本买卖了商店。 |
The company is trading at a profit (loss).
这个公司做买卖赔钱(赚钱). |
The company is trying every means to bring down the wholesale price of its products.
公司使用了各种方法降低产品批发价格。 |
The company is trying to attract oversea investors.
这家公司试图吸引海外投资者。 |
The company is trying to dispel rumour about a take-over.
公司力图澄清有关接管的流言。 |
The company is used: Quality first, services the highest being purpose , provides to the customer wholeheartedly: The cart ladder chooses type allocation , storehouse layout plans, material appliance deposition manages wait for the rational design plan of
公司以:“质量第一,服务至上”为宗旨,竭诚为客户提供:货架选型配置,仓库布局规划,物料器具存放管理等科学合理的设计方案,以及快捷便利的售后服务。 |
The company is well equipped with 500 sets of High-Speed Lockstitch Sewing Machine and 214 sets of imported facilities.
公司现有员工800人,占地面积6543.38平方米,建筑面积5200.6平方米。 |
The company is, of course, not alone in outsourcing manufacturing to lower-cost regions such as China.
美泰当然不是唯一一家将生产外包到中国等低成本地区的跨国公司。 |