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And when old ideas become so outmoded that they no longer serve their purpose, they are discarded.

And when love speak,the voice of all thd gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony. 当爱说话时,众爱的声音使苍天沉浸在和谐的静寂中。
And when much dissension had taken place, the commander, fearing that Paul might be torn to pieces by them, ordered the detachment of soldiers to go down and seize him from their midst and bring him into the barracks. 10那时大起纷争,千夫长恐怕保罗被他们扯碎了,就吩咐兵丁下去,把他从众人当中抢出来,带进营楼去。
And when my work shall be done in this world, O King of kings, alone and speechless shall I stand before thee face to face. 当我已做完了今生的工作,呵,万王之王,我能够独自悄立在你的面前吗?
And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away. 徒27:20太阳和星辰多日不显露、又有狂风大浪催逼、我们得救的指望就都绝了。
And when observers take a spectrum of the galaxy, the diffraction grating of the spectrograph disperses the light over a large area on the detector, rendering the signal even fainter at each wavelength. 而当观测者撷取星系光谱时,光谱仪的绕射光栅会把光分散到侦测器上一个很大的範围,导致每个波长上的讯号更加微弱。
And when old ideas become so outmoded that they no longer serve their purpose, they are discarded. 而旧的观念到了过时而不实用时,就会被扬弃。
And when old words die out on the tongue, new melodies break forth from the heart; and where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with its wonders. 旧的言语刚在舌尖上死去,新的音乐又从心上迸来;旧辙方迷,新的田野又在面前奇妙地展开。
And when people are introduced, they may shake hands (or at least nod their heads) as a sign of cordiality. 当人们被介绍给他人认识时,可能互相握手(或至少点点头),以示诚意。
And when respondents are given a choice of life in prison without parole, support for the death penalty falls to just 50 percent. 当被问及在无假释无期徒刑和死刑之间进行选择时,支持死刑的人则下降到50%。
And when she had filled the vessels, she said to her son, Bring me another vessel. But he said to her, There is no other vessel. And the oil stopped. 6器皿都满了,她对儿子说,再给我拿器皿来。儿子说,再没有器皿了。油就止住了。
And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the Lord in Shiloh: and the child was young. 撒上1:24既断了奶、就把孩子带上示罗、到了耶和华的殿、又带了三只公牛、一伊法细面、一皮袋酒.那时孩子还小。

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