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An over talkative person; a chatterbox.

An outward-looking China cannot afford to stand on the sideline while others write the rules of game. 作为一个对外开放的国家,中国不能被排斥在外而看着他人制定游戏规则。
An oval or a round structure having tiers of seats rising gradually outward from an open space or arena at the center. 圆形露天剧场蛋形或圆形建筑,在露天的中央场地周围有逐渐向外斜上升的阶梯式座位
An oval shaped bar table is built on the marble tile floor corresponsively. 一盏愧丽的水晶吊灯在店中浮游著﹐高贵气派已叫人平静身心﹐大增食欲。
An oven whose door does not shut does not bake its loaves. 开着门的烤箱是烤不熟面包的。
An oven-drying method is presented in combination with the determination of the alkaline substances for the analysis of moisture in wet ammonium chloride, reducing the error in the routine oven-drying method, meeting the analytical requirements in the pro 介绍一种结合碱性物测定的烘干法来分析湿氯化铵中的水分,降低了常规烘干法测定误差,可满足生产过程分析妥求。
An over talkative person; a chatterbox. 过分多嘴的人;喋喋不休的人
An over-running clutch on the drive pinion prevents the starter from being driven by the engine once it starts. 在驱动小齿轮上的一个超转离合器可避免启动马达被引擎带动,一旦引擎启动了。
An overage vehicle. 旧得无法再用的车
An overall air control for each pipe in each room is available by fitting an air valve at the hot water supply. 把空气阀安装在温水供给器时可综合处理各房间管路内的空气。
An overall nutritionally balanced diet plays an important part in a man's readiness and ability to perform well, athletically and romantically. 营养全面均衡的饮食对良好、活泼和浪漫的表现都很重要。
An overall plan is established, which might be a formal garden based on a symmetrical arrangement of geometric beds or an informal arrangement of planting to make as much use as possible of the natural characteristics of the site. 首先建立一个总体的方案,其形式可能是一个由几何构型对称布局的古典的园林,也可能是一个试图通过种植来尽可能的利用场地自然条件的不规则布局。

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