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To analyze the different locations of the intersection of a ray and a polygon quickly, a scheme of calculating the number for the intersection point is established based on the structure query language (SQL) and the method of weighting each side of the po

To analyze designs, review detailed drawings. 分析设计,对详图进行检查。
To analyze ethnic heterogeneity is helpful for us to understand ethnic recognition and the change of ethnic boundary. 分析族群内部异质性有着重要的意义,它有助于我们深入理解族群认同、族群边界的变迁。
To analyze its deep connotation, it is necessary that take interest coordination as a main line to impenetrate in it. 分析其深刻内涵,利益协调作为一条主线贯穿其中。
To analyze local government's interest structure and study an institutional way to normalize local government's action of policy implementation is very important for upgrading efficiency of policy implementation and promoting social healthy development. 因此,重新剖析和梳理地方政府承载的利益结构,研究和探寻规范地方政府政策执行行为的制度化途径,对于提高公共政策执行力、促进经济社会健康发展具有重要的实践指导意义。
To analyze the contribution of contextual representation, consider different ways of constructing a word-by-word matrix (e.g., vary the dimensions of the matrix) and experiment with different definitions of context. 为了分析上下文表示方法对聚类的贡献,考虑不同的构建词词矩阵的方法(例如,改变矩阵的维数)和不同上下文定义的实验。
To analyze the different locations of the intersection of a ray and a polygon quickly, a scheme of calculating the number for the intersection point is established based on the structure query language (SQL) and the method of weighting each side of the po 摘要采用对多边形各边赋权值的方法,分析射线与多边形相交的不同情况,给出了使用结构化查询语言实现交点个数求解的快速解决方案。
To analyze the industrial investment value scientifically, the method of constitutive relation based on fuzzy neural network is proposed in this paper. 摘要为了全面、科学地对行业投资价值做出分析,文中结合模糊神经网络技术,提出了本构关系方法。
To analyze the machine performance to identify the improvement area for better machine reliability, i.e. for better lifetime component, for more suitable materials, for less maintenance required parts, for cost saving, etc. 进行设备性能分析,以确定需要提高可靠性的区域,如提高零部件的使用寿命,选择更合适的材料,减少维修所需配件,节省费用等等。
To analyze the migration process of these two areas can provide some useful reference for the successful progress of the current rural labor migration in China. 对这两个地区的人口与劳动力迁移过程进行分析,可以为我国目前的农村剩余劳动力流动的顺利进行提供借鉴。
To analyze the present news weeklies of current affairs, from the required quality possessed by the excellent news weeklies in the mass communication markets to the focus issues concerned by the audiences of these news weeklies, we can see clearly their o 从优秀的时政新闻周刊在传播市场应具备的素质以及时政新闻周刊受众关注的焦点问题,分析当前我国的时政新闻类周刊,我们可以清楚地看到,他们在当前的传媒竞争中都形成自己的特色,如大多具有清晰明确的定位、具备全球视野、具有耐读的叙事风格等。
To analyze the stability of soil slopes with the rheology of soil considered, the methods such as taking the long-term strength parameter of soils into account and using diagrams are often applied. 对于考虑流变的土坡稳定性分析方法目前主要有长期强度指标法和图解法等。

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