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Although Zhikong is form India, when he appears as a face of Chan master, he is already a very Chinese bonze.

Although Wang's command of English is far more limited than his command of a devastating 95-mph sinker, his one-liner cracked up a roomful of reporters. 虽然小民对于英文的掌控能力远逊于他对于那95英哩的变态深卡球的掌控能力,他说的玩笑话让全场的记者哄堂而笑.
Although Western culture was pervasive in the early history of the university, Chinese culture was also cherished and widely studied. 清华大学的初期发展,虽然渗透着西方文化的影响,但学校十分重视研究中华民族的优秀文化瑰宝。
Although Western-style dress has been popular in Japan since the late 19th century among men, and since the 1920's among women, the traditional kimono has by no means disappeared. 虽然西方一直流行服饰日本自19世纪末男性,而20年代以来的妇女,已绝非传统的和服不见了.
Although Yi can sit out the year, they may bank on him eventually coming around and refuse to trade him. 虽然易建联可以不来打球,但是雄鹿队也可以拒绝交易他。
Although Yi might not be the big piece to placate Kobe Bryant, he'd be an intriguing acquisition. His style of play would seem to mesh well on paper with Bynum. 虽然易建联不能成为科比冠军之路的栋梁,但是还是很有吸引力的。他可以和百纳木并肩作战。
Although Zhikong is form India, when he appears as a face of Chan master, he is already a very Chinese bonze. 由此看出,指空虽是一位来自印度的僧人,当其以“禅师”面目出现时,他即已经是一位很中国化的僧人了。
Although a child may wean during pregnancy, this does not guarantee he won't want to nurse once the baby is born. 虽然孩子可能在母亲怀孕时断奶,但这并不保证当新生儿出生时,他就不会还要吃母奶。
Although a complex combination of all three orbital cycles controls CO2 variations, the trends during previous interglacial intervals were all surprisingly similar to one another. 虽然二氧化碳的变化受到三种轨道周期的复杂组合所控制,但先前各个间冰期的趋势都非常相似。
Although a creative player, the 23-year-old Sneijder is in a different mould to Robben as he plays more centrally. 虽然23岁的斯奈德是名富有创造力的球员,但他却和罗本不是相同类型的球员,因为他更多打的是中路。
Although a critic of some of Mr Putin's policies, Mr Gaidar is a highly unlikely target for the Kremlin. 尽管盖达尔先生对普京先生的部分政策持批评意见,但他还不可能成为克里姆林宫要对付的目标。
Although a discovery has not yet been announced, many physicists believe that a quark-gluon plasma, which would provide clues about the early universe, has been created in heavy-ion collisions in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the Brookhave 虽然科学家尚未宣布发现此种物质,但许多物理学家相信,布鲁克海文国家实验室的「相对性重离子对撞机」(RHIC)其实已经制造出夸克胶子浆了。

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