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In contrast with their system, ours seems very old-fashioned.

In contrast with the efforts of Bill Gates to fight software piracy in order to earn more royalties, Torvalds' behavior has won him the respect accorded a god. 相较于比尔.盖兹在全世界打击盗版、努力收取权利金,托维兹的举动简直被尊敬为神。
In contrast with the old testament and its weakness, which made it impossible to continue faithful, this promise ensures a continual, whole-hearted obedience as the mark of the believer who takes God at His Word, and fully claims what the promise secures. 这正好与旧约,以及它的软弱无能成了对比;这种软弱无能,使人不能一直忠心遵守,而这新约的应许确实保证使人继续而全心的顺服;这就是那些谨守神的话,并且完全支取那应许之信徒身上的标志。
In contrast with the parallel groups, the addition of weight and food intake rose considerably. With being increasingly infected with virus, the addition reduced gradually before it dropped. 与对照组相比体重增加量及摄食量出现较大增加,随着染毒时间的增加,这种增加量逐步减少,及至出现下降(减少以后下降?不通)。
In contrast with the summative assessment, the formative assessment system is one of the humanistic assessment methods to dig out the students' potentials and to improve the students' studies. 形成性教学评价对学生的学习过程进行的评价,旨在确认学生的潜力,改进和发展学生的学习。
In contrast with their system, ours seems very old-fashioned. 我们的制度与他们的相比, 显得过於守旧了.
In contrast with their system, ours seems very old-fashioned. 我们的制度与他们的相比,显得过于守旧了.
In contrast with those state universities, which are largely funded by the government, the financing channels of these private universities are different, where social donation is important. 摘要与公立大学的经费主要靠政府拨款不同,中国近代私立大学的经费来源于多方面,其中捐款占有相当重要的地位。
In contrast, <Princesss Diary> will be a little bit boring. 相比较而言,《公主日记》就有些无趣了。
In contrast, Arsenal's goal was from a big lump down the middle. 相比之下,阿森那那个进球是中路的大脚传球来的。
In contrast, Building 7 of the World Trade Centre complex was quickly rebuilt and reopened last year. 相反,世贸大厦第七号楼却得以快速的重建,并且在去年重新对外开放。
In contrast, Easterners prefer French Country or more fussystyles. 相对的,东部人喜欢法国乡村或是更漂亮的形式。

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