If a response is not forthcoming, you should follow up your letter, perhaps with a telephone call.
如果觉得回复不易取得,应在致信后在通过诸如电话等方式与其联系。 |
If a result is close, any candidate may ask for a recount.
如果投票结果非常接近,任何一名候选人都可以要求重新点票。 |
If a roamer and a resident arrive at the same time, the cleaner almost always services the roamer first.
要是一条巡游者与一条地头鱼同时抵达服务站,裂唇鱼几乎总是先为巡游者服务。 |
If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.
12君王若听谎言,他一切臣仆都是奸恶。 |
If a ruler pays attention to a false word, All his servants are wicked.
12君王若听信虚假的话,他一切臣仆必都是奸恶的。 |
If a ruler pays attention to falsehood, All his ministers become wicked.
箴29:12君王若听谎言、他一切臣仆都是奸恶。 |
If a ruler's anger rises against you, do not leave your post; calmness can lay great errors to rest.
4掌权者的心,若向你发怒,不要离开你的本位,因为柔和能免大过。 |
If a salesman's wife dies and he is not ready to remarry , he is usually moved into an administrative position after several months of mourning .
如果一位销售人员的妻子去世了,而他又没有准备再婚,那么通常在丧期后的几个月内他就会调去做行政管理工作。 |
If a scalar field changes slowly, it resembles a constant, both in its fixed magnitude and in its lack of directionality; relativity theory predicts it will produce a gravitational repulsion.
如果纯量场变化缓慢,它就会有固定的大小,而且没有方向性,就像一个常数一样;相对论预测,这种情况会产生重力排斥效应。 |
If a scatterer like human head is used, intensity differences among microphones can be obtained efficiently.
如果能够利用一个类似人头的散射体,则可有效地获得传声器之间的强度差信息。 |
If a second person calls while the Call Waitingfunction is deactivated, that caller will get the busy signal and you will not hear the special alert tone.
若要接听或打出重要电话,可先暂时取消「来电待接」讯号,如再有第三者打入电话,对方会听到线路繁忙讯号,而用户也不会听到「来电待接」讯号。 |