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The girls listened to the story with rapt attention.

The girls had to hasten their steps to keep pace with his. 女孩子们得加快步子才能赶得上他。
The girls have shared the stage with pop idols like Sting, the Spice Girls, and Bryan Adams, but Bond has also performed with opera great Luciano Pavarotti and opened for the UK Classical Brit Awards. 这些女孩不仅能和贾斯汀、辣妹组合和布瑞恩·亚德姆斯这样的流行偶像同台演出,还能与剧院巨星帕瓦罗蒂共同表演,拉开英国古典乐颁奖晚会的帷幕。
The girls hurried to make preparations for their mothers return. 这群女孩匆匆忙忙的准备迎接母亲的归来。
The girls in my school think that the new Chinese teacher is dreamy. Too bad he's married. 我们学校的女孩子都觉得这个新来的教中文的老师太棒了,太遗憾了,他已经结婚了。
The girls like doing their homework at school. 女孩们喜欢在学校做家庭作业。
The girls listened to the story with rapt attention. 女孩们全神贯注地听著故事。
The girls of India are disappearing. 印度的女孩正不断减少。
The girls peeled off before swimming. 女孩子们在游泳之前将衣服脱掉。,
The girls screamed when the grisly remains of the half-eaten corpses on the screen were shown. 当屏幕上显示出尸体被吃掉一半的恐怖残骸时,女孩子们尖叫起来。
The girls stared at their father. Mrs. Bennet said only, Nonsense, nonsense! 女孩子睁大眼瞪看她们父亲。宾奈特太太只说:「无聊!荒唐!」
The girls told him that when they were younger they would play a game. 姊妹们告诉他,她们小时候常玩一个游戏。

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