Beer buyers were more likely to buy frozen dinners, cold cuts, pork, mutton, crisps, sugary products, butter, margarine and soft drinks.
而购买啤酒的顾客更青睐冷冻食品、冷盘、猪肉、羊肉、薯片、甜食、黄油、人造黄油和软饮料等。 |
Beer cans and abandoned clothing speckled the lawn outside #9 - a scene not unfamiliar to your average college student, if this were the aftermath of a frat party.
啤酒罐,丢弃的衣服在9号外的草坪上星罗棋布----如果这是兄弟会聚会的残局遗骸,这该是你们普通大学生熟悉的一幕。 |
Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.
啤酒不会对你的性生活指手画脚. |
Beer has a very distinctive smell.
啤酒有一种特殊的味道。 |
Beer has never caused a major war.
啤酒从来没有引发过任何一场战争. |
Beer in Norway is among the most expensive in the world with a 0.4 litre (0.7 pint) costing about 50 crowns (4.3 pounds) in a bar.
挪威是世界上啤酒价格最为昂贵的地方之一,在酒吧,0.4升(合0.7品脱)的啤酒售价是50克朗(合4.3英镑)。 |
Beer is a beverage of the most remote antiquity.
啤酒是一种最古老的饮料。 |
Beer is a safe product where foreign bodies and chemicals may contaminate it at various stages within the process.
摘要啤酒作为一种安全食品,在其加工的各个阶段都有可能受到外源物质和化学物质的侵扰。 |
Beer math is: two beers time 37 men=49 cases.
啤酒数计算法:每人两瓶,共叁十七人,等于四十九箱。 |
Beer must be stored in a cool and well-ventilated environment,away from direct sunlight,preferably in the fridge.
啤酒必须存放于阴凉及通爽的环境,避免阳光直接照射,最理想是放入冰箱。 |
Beer protects against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, known to cause ulcers and possibly linked to stomach cancer.
啤酒能够抵抗幽门螺旋杆菌(已知的胃溃疡致病因素,可能还同胃癌相关)。 |