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All the household furnishings, including a three-piece suite, were vandalised. Carpets were burned by discarded cigarettes.

All the headlines confused me and the writing style of the articles was very different from that of what we usually read. 所有的标题把我弄得头昏脑胀,这些文章的写作体裁又与我们平时所念的迥然不同。
All the high school druggies meet in the parking lot at lunch time. 所有的吸毒的中学生午饭时间常到停车场去。
All the higher- grade engineer have forme a little clan of their own. 所有的高级工程师组成了他们自己的小团体。
All the holes, meaning the ones for the lynch pins to attach the head and the push pins to make the legs go up and down don't work properly because when they were painted the tolerance decreases. 所有的孔,即供车辖附于前部以及让推动杆使得支架上下运动的孔,如果不能正常运行的话那是因为这些孔上漆之后其允许变量容差变小了。
All the hotels are fully booked. 所有的旅馆都已订满了。
All the household furnishings, including a three-piece suite, were vandalised. Carpets were burned by discarded cigarettes. 所有的家具,包括一组三件套被破坏了。地毯被丢弃的烟头烧坏了。
All the houses are on fire. 所有的房子都着火了。
All the houses there face south. 那里所有的房子都朝南。
All the ignorance is self-inflicted. They are real pathetic creatures. 所有的无知都是自己造成的。
All the illegally constructed buildings must be pulled down. 一切非法建筑物都必须拆除。
All the important decisions are made by the big guns at the head office in London. 所有的重大决定都是由伦敦总部里的大人物们作出的。

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