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The two brothers have dispute over the ownership of the land.

The two boys wee sparring and John tapped George's claret. 约翰和乔治在打架,结果约翰把乔治的鼻子打出血了。
The two brothers are at enmity with each other. 那两兄弟对彼此怀有敌意。
The two brothers are in stark contrast. 兄弟俩形成鲜明的对比。
The two brothers are very much alike. 这两兄弟非常相像。
The two brothers fell in love with the same girl, which caused bad blood between them. 兄弟俩都爱上了同一位姑娘,这使得两人互相仇恨。
The two brothers have dispute over the ownership of the land. 这兄弟俩对土地的所有权有争议。
The two brothers have entirely different temperament. 这两兄弟的性情完全不同。
The two brothers have entirely different temperaments. 他们兄弟俩的性情完全不同。
The two brothers look very much alike. 这兄弟俩看上去很相像。
The two brothers often quarrel with each other; one is stubborn, and the other (is) selfish. 这两兄弟经常吵架;一个很固执,另一个则很自私。
The two brothers went to the war. 两兄弟从军去了。

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