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They are the “seeking” or “reward” system (which motivates the pursuit of pleasure); the “anger-rage” system (which governs angry aggression but not predatory aggression); the “fear-anxiety” system; and the “panic” system (which includes complex instincts

They are the training in academies and in units. 分别为院校学习训练和部队训练。
They are the twin brothers who, according to legend, founded the city of Rome. 1960年罗马奥运会徽的主要标志就是以“母狼育婴雕像”作为素材。
They are the undisputed champions in draughts and Othello. 它们是国际跳棋及奥塞罗无可争辩的冠军。
They are the victim of competition for land and water from the nearby grazing and cotton industries coupled with drought. 这些干旱的土地正附近放牧活动和棉花产业的土地和水源的竞争下的牺牲品.
They are the victims of the civil war. 他们是内战的受害者。
They are the “seeking” or “reward” system (which motivates the pursuit of pleasure); the “anger-rage” system (which governs angry aggression but not predatory aggression); the “fear-anxiety” system; and the “panic” system (which includes complex instincts 这四种是「追求」或「报偿」系统(会趋使追求快乐);「愤怒–暴怒」系统(控制愤怒性的攻击而非掠食性的攻击);「恐惧–焦虑」系统;以及「恐慌」系统(包括控制社会关系的复杂本能)。
They are then checked by a computer-guided machine to ensure absolute accuracy. 然后,由计算机辅助设备进行检查,以确保完全精确。
They are then gilded, often on the edges, in the interior, and on the base. 然后进行镏金处理,通常是对掐丝线、器物内部以及底部。
They are therefore not revolutionary, but conservative. 所以,他们不是革命的,而是保守的。
They are therefore part of an emanationist theory, like that of the kabbalah in the west, or neo-platonism. 因此它们是散发理论的一部分,像西方的卡巴拉或新柏拉图派哲学。
They are there, you just have to reach in and locate them. 它们就在那里,你必须寻找并找到它们。

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