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Blessedness is like money in the bank: as we use it we must earn more.

Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods. 4那倚靠耶和华、不理会狂傲和偏向虚假之辈的、这人便为有福。
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate. 5箭袋充满的人便为有福。他们在城门口和仇敌说话的时候,必不至于羞愧。
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. 有福者不识怀疑滋味。
Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. 12等到一千三百三十五日的,那人便为有福。
Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance. 15知道向你欢呼的,那民是有福的。耶和华阿,他们在你脸上的光里行走。
Blessedness is like money in the bank: as we use it we must earn more. 福德因缘如银行的存款,除了应用外,更要培植福德因缘。
Blessing of Protection: This spell can no longer be cast on others when stunned. It can only be cast on self (to break the stun) under those circumstances. 保护祝福:这个法术不再能在瘫痪时对其他人施放。在这些状况下它仅能对自己施放(解除瘫痪)。
Blessing of Sacrifice now has a 1-minute cooldown. 牺牲祝福现在拥有1分钟的冷却时间。
Blessing of salvation has been removed from the game. (XDDD)- New blessing added: Blessing of Wrath. 20% chance on hit to gain an extra attack. 拯救祝福已被从游戏中移除。新的祝福:愤怒祝福已被添加。击中时20%的机会获得一次额外攻击。
Blessing you is my protective coloration, concentrating to play the role of friend, embracing each other at you of that a moment, my heart penny is two. 祝福你是我的保护色,专心扮演朋友的角色,在你们拥抱的那一刻,我的心一分为二.
Blessings by themselves are not enough. They must come from within. Without your own effort, it is impossible for them to come. 外在的祝福必须伴随内在的力量,缺乏自身的努力,幸福将不会降临。

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