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Notice that in both these examples the radio beam generated for one cell-phone user does not reach the other.

Notice of Recision ˉ A recorded notice to rescind a notice of default of mortgage or deed of trust. 一当借款人付清所有银行欠款,银行开立的取销违约记录之证明书,终止房子被进入拍卖的程序之中。
Notice of the decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing. 关于上诉的决定应通知上诉人,作出该决定的理由应以书面形式提供。
Notice of the delay and the reasons therefor shall be provided in writing to the interested party. 延迟的通知及其原因应以书面形式向有关当事人提供。
Notice some corners much and much, will have already concealed to see a point to test you to probe an ability, a very divertive game.Find out 12 kind things in the room first, there are more difficult several kinds to seek.Bring about a pillow, the blind 多多注意一些角落,会有隐藏视点考考你的侦察能力,非常好玩的一个游戏.先在房间里找到12样东西,有几样比较难找.把枕头掀起,点击床头和床垫的缝隙处有一节电池,另外一节电池也在床附近,打开电视,有一个人跳舞,最后他会指出一个地方,有星号显示,注意要等影片播放完再点击3次,保险箱才会出现!
Notice that Michael's torso right high on the surface of the water, his head is carrying a neutral position with flat leg. 注意到小菲的躯干保持在水面上,他的头部保持一个中间位置(不抬头,也不低头?)
Notice that in both these examples the radio beam generated for one cell-phone user does not reach the other. 注意,在上述两例中,针对其中一名用户产生的无线电波束,并不会抵达另一位用户的所在位置。
Notice that in the process of re-tracing I've (unintentionally) changed all her proportions and made her older than the doodle. 请注意我在重画的过程中不小心把她画得比较成熟。
Notice that since Ball.init() is called against the class Ball and not against an instance of class Ball you need to explicitly pass in the Ball instance (self) as the first parameter. 在子类中这是一种通用的方言,并且直到你更好的理解类和继承的工作方式之后也许你才会像这样来用。
Notice that text-links have a much higher click-trough ratio than advertising banners. 注意:文字广告通常比标志广告的点击率高。
Notice that the default has different radius settings for each blob. You'll want to change the radius of each blob to 50, or at least make them the same size. 注意,默认地每一个变形球都会有不同的半径,你需要把每一个变形球的半径都设置为50,或别的什么值,但他们的大小必须一样。
Notice that the graphic designer removed the belly button, the unattractive shading around the bulging tummy of the 15th century siren and merged the tail-legs to remove the suggestion of naughty bits. 我们注意到设计师去掉了腹部的脐带,15世纪美人鱼那凸起的肚子造成难看的阴影并且合并了分开的尾巴从而去掉了不必要的约束所产生的联想。

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