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His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad.
在国外度过一个宁静的假期, 他的健康状况有所好转。

His headache has affected his ability to do household chore. 里满说《他的头痛已经影响他做一些家务事》。
His health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作压力把他的身体弄垮了。
His health collapsed because of overwork. 他的身体因工作过度而垮掉了。
His health collapsed under the pressure of work. 他的身体被工作压垮了.
His health has been lousy. 他的健康状况近来很糟。
His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad. 在国外度过一个宁静的假期, 他的健康状况有所好转。
His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad. 在国外度过一个宁静的假期,他的健康状况有所好转。
His health is degenerating rapidly. 他的健康状况迅速恶化.
His health is deteriorating from fatigue. 他的健康状况因疲劳而恶化。
His health is endangered by overwork. 他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害。
His health is getting steadily worse. 他的健康正逐渐恶化。

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