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Small-scale production is the social economy foundation of Ranking of Officials, a highly centralized system is the source of Ranking of Officials, and the knowledge hierarchy has strengthened the ideas of Ranking of Officials.

Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-ma ered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. 在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的侍者,和没有礼貌的出租车司机也并不少见。
Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. 在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的侍者,和没有礼貌的出租车司机也并不少见。
Small-perturbation Theory. Orr-Sommerfeld Equation. 20小扰动理论。奥-索末非方程。
Small-scale VAT payers can request that the tax authorities issue a VAT invoice for products sold to export enterprises. 小规模纳税人向出口企业销售这些产品,可到税务机关代开增值税专用发票。
Small-scale enterprises, with characteristics of less fund, few varieties of products and small scale of production, often arrange and organize their production by contracts. 摘要小型企业具有资金少、产品品种少、生产规模小的特点,生产方式多以手工生产或单机生产为主,企业多是根据合同来组织安排生产。
Small-scale production is the social economy foundation of Ranking of Officials, a highly centralized system is the source of Ranking of Officials, and the knowledge hierarchy has strengthened the ideas of Ranking of Officials. 其中小生产是“官本位”的社会经济基础,高度集权是“官本位”的体制根源,而知识等级制强化了人们“官本位”的思想现念。
Smaller applications download faster, and thus more cheaply. 较小的应用程序下载更快,因此更加便宜。
Smaller artillery pieces are mobile and can move around the battlefield, settling down into a bracing position in order to fire. 小型炮兵可以在战场上走来走去,开火时会找一个地方安置支架。
Smaller boards are used in this high-wind sailing, allowing for more lift. 在这种强风航行中,使用的滑板更小,因为它浮力更大。
Smaller bodies, however, have a larger ratio of surface area to volume, allowing them to cool down faster by radiating their heat into space. 相对的,较小的天体,其表面积对体积的比值较高,使它们能更快的把热量辐射至太空中而冷却。
Smaller buffers will give you less latency, but the audio may stutter if your computer is not fast enough. 缓冲区越小,提供的缓冲能力就越小,但是如果的你计算机不够快的话,音频就有可能断断续续。

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