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Increased frequency of the immunoglobulin enhancer HS, allele in coeliac disease

Included were 7 eyes followed by penetrating injury sutura, 0 eyes followed by ocular contusion and 9 eyes combined with introcular foreign bodies. 7只眼继发眼球穿孔伤缝合术后 , 0只眼继发眼球钝挫伤 ,9只眼合并眼内异物。
Including its hookup, the over all weight of the "Great bell", .+ ton, was calculated from its measured dimensions and density. 还根据测得大钟的直径和密度,计算出大钟连同其挂钩在内的总重量约为.±吨。
Inclusion and Transcendency: Marxism and Principles of Phenomenology 论马克思哲学对现象学原则的包含与超越
Inclusive criteria: articles on luxatio coxae congenital, impuberism cases, and papers on operation treatment. 手术治疗。 排除标准:保守治疗。
Increase the rate of long timber as much as possible and manufacture the plywood of 9mm×8 0mm( ′×′)as the main size. If the quanlity of log is favourable, manufacturing 0mm×0 mm(′×8′) as the main size and can get tile highest rate of thin plywood. 应尽量加大长木段的比例,生产规格以9mm×8 0mm( ′× ′)为主,如材质允许则以0mm×0mm(′×8′)为主,可以获得最高的薄板比例;
Increased frequency of the immunoglobulin enhancer HS, allele in coeliac disease 乳糜泻患者的免疫球蛋白基因增强子HS,等位基因序列出现频率增多
Independent Golf Driving Range (IGDR) is a facility that provides golfers with services on studying and practising golf. 独立高尔夫练习场是专门提供学习及练习高尔夫球技等相关服务的场所。
Index Medicus and TCM Literature 美国《医学索引》与中医药文献
Index Medicus/MEDLINE/PubMed published by U.S. Nationa l Library of Medicine (NLM) is the most important and commonly used biomedical l iterature retrieval system in the world. 美国国立医学图书馆出版的IndexMedicus/MEDLINE /PubMed(《医学索引》)是当今世界上最常用的权威生物医学文献检索系统。
Indigestible dextrin and its application 难消化糊精及其应用
Indirect Oscillopolargraphic Determination of Caesium 铯示波极谱间接测定

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