The babies with successful penetration of the imperforate valve all had successful valvuloplasty. On followup, babies required a modified BlalockTaussig shunt to maintain the arterial saturation above 80%.
在随访中,例需行改良的BlalockTausing分流术,以维持动脉血氧饱和度达80%以上。 |
The -day EC_(0) values of P.lucidum and S.obeiquus were pH .88±0.0, pH .±0.0 respectively. The 8-day EC_(0)value of N.
污席藻和斜生栅列藻天EC_(0)值分别为pH.88±0.0、pH.±0.0、角菱形藻8天EC_(0)值为pH.9±0.08.。 |
The 8 species of Hydromedusae occurring in the Chukchi Sea all were cool water species, of which species belong in neritic species, species in ocean species.
楚科奇海这 8种水螅水母都是冷水种 ,其中 种为近岸性的 ,种是大洋性的。 |
The 8 urticaria patients identified as positive for Malassezia furfur were divided into groups A and B to receive treatment with antihistaminics (group A) and antihistaminics combined with % ketoconazole shampoo(group A).
将马拉色菌阳性的8例慢性荨麻疹患者分为A、B两组,A组单用抗组胺药,B组用抗组胺药联合%酮康唑洗剂治疗。 |
The 8th draft of Postal Law bring the express industry to shriek with pain
《邮政法》第八稿引快递业集体喊痛 |
The 9h LC0 of Na_SeO_ and Na_SeO_ to 9~ 0 tadpole of Rana nigromaculata are9.8mg/L and .mg/L.
Na_SeO_和Na_SeO_ 对黑斑蛙9~ 0蝌蚪的9h半致死浓度为9.8mg/L和 .mg/L。 |
The AD HOC Committee on Environment of Inter-Parliamentary Union Held its Meeting in Nairobi
各国议会联盟环境特别委员会会议在内罗毕举行 |
The AIIr values of histologically different plaques were: fatty . %± . %,fibrous 79.9 %± 8.87 % and calcify plaques 0. %± 9. %.
斑块不同组织学构成的AIIr分别为 :脂质型斑块 . %± .% ,纤维型斑块 79.9 %± 8.87% ,钙化型斑块 0 . %± 9. %。 |
The Accomplishment for the "Stupid
笨有笨的作为──电影《阿甘正传》赏析 |
The Action Mechanism of Phase Transfer Catalyst in the Oxidation of Toluene by Mn ̄( +) in 0% H_SO_
The Action Mechanism of Phase Transfer Catalyst in the Oxidation of Toluene by Mn~( +) in 0% H_SO_ |
The Action of an Interlayer on DCEL Powder Panels
间隔层在粉末DCEL屏中的作用 |