Result Preoperative diagnosis was established accurately in 8 cases whereas falsely in cases, showing a misdiagnosis rate of .9%. |
中文意思: 果本组术前确诊8例,误诊例,误诊率.9%。 |
Result Among .0 %of the serious intestines parasite infection ration, the ratio of hookworm, ascarid, flagellate, pinworm and testicle trematode is .70%,0. %,0.%, 9.% and 7.% respectively.
果人体肠道重要寄生虫总感染率为 .0 %,其中钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫、蛲虫、华支睾吸虫感染率分别是.70%、0. %、0.%、 8.%、7.%; |
Result Average recoveries of charred Radix et Rhizoma Rhei: Emodin was 98. % and Chrysophanol was 98. %, RSD was .7% and .0% respectively.
果平均回收率分别为大黄素98. %、大黄酚98. %,RSD分别为.7%、.0%。 |
Result Compared with the MI group and the MI plus valeryl salicylate group,circulating EPCs,plasma VEGF,HIF-α mRNA and capillary densities of ischemic myocardium were all decreased in MI plus rofecoxib group.
果心肌缺血加罗非昔布组与单纯心肌缺血组、心肌缺血加 VS 组比较,血浆 VEGF 水平、循环血内皮祖细胞计数、缺血心肌毛细血管密度和缺氧诱导因子-α mRNA 表达均显著减少(P<0.0),其余指标两组差异无统计学意义。 |
Result Debating about Chinese traditional medicine, CD 、CD 、CD /CD 8 were evidently decreased in group of asthenia syndrome and sthenia syndrome. CD 8 was significantly increased in sthenia syndromes group ( P <0.0).
果 实证组、虚证组病人 CD 、CD、CD/CD8减少 ,而 CD8的升高只在实证组有显著差异 ( P<0 .0 )。 |
Result In sera of acute DF patients mean neopterin concentration was 8. nmol/L,higher than that in patients with measles( . nmol/L) and influenza(8.8 nmol/L) and in control group(.7 nmol/L;P < 0.00).
果急性期登革热病人血中新蝶呤的平均含量为8.nmol/L,高于水痘病人、流感病人和健康对照者血中的平均含量(分别为 . nmol/L、8.8nmol/L和.7nmol/L,P<0.00)。 |
Result Preoperative diagnosis was established accurately in 8 cases whereas falsely in cases, showing a misdiagnosis rate of .9%.
果本组术前确诊8例,误诊例,误诊率.9%。 |
Result TBNA, the pliers examine the masculine rate which and brushes examines (.7%, 7.%, .%) between contrasts does not have the significance difference.
果TBNA与钳检和刷检的阳性率(.7%,7.7%,.%),之间对比无显著性差异。 |
Result The concentrations of VEGF in the CSF of patients with spinal arteriovenous malformation(77± pg/ml),spinal dural arteriovenous fistula( 8± pg/ml),cavernous angioma(± pg/ml) were all higher than those of control group( ±7 pg/ml).
果SCAVM脑脊液中VEGF浓度为(77±)pg/ml、SDAVF为( 8±)pg/ml、CM为(± )pg/ml均高于正常对照组( ±7)pg/ml。 |
The crude agreement (99. % ) of Organon Teknika and Determine reagents were higher than that of the other reagents.
阿克苏和Determine公司生产试剂的粗一致性最高,均为99.%,漏检率为0; |
Result The curative effect shows that the efficiency of the patients with cancer of esophagus and intestine is87.percent and the efficiency of gastrointestinal polyp and bleeding gastroduodenal ulceris00per cent.
果治疗结果显示,对食道、贲门癌患者,有效率为87.; 对胃肠道息肉和十二指肠溃疡出血患者,有效率为00%。 |
Result The effectual rate of hepudiod cream keeping skin humid from desiccation and doffing crumbs, relaxing scar tickle and pain symptom, avoiding wound chap, preventing scar tissues from excess hyperplasia is00%, 9.7%, 90%, 9.7% and 7.7% respectively.
果单用海普林软膏对Ⅱ°烧伤愈合处保湿、防止干燥脱屑有效率达00%、缓解疤痕痒痛症状有效率分别达9.7%及90%,防止创面皲裂有效率达9.7%,预防疤痕过度增生有效率达7.7%。 |