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Boeing said the main body of each 787 will arrive at its main assembly plant in six pieces from around the world.

Boeing has outsourced most of the 787's manufacturing to firms in Japan, Italy, South Carolina and elsewhere, while the company itself is concentrating on putting the plane together at its cavernous main facility in Everett, near Seattle. 波音将787的大部分制造业务外包给了日本、意大利和美国南卡罗来纳州等地的工厂,其西雅图的生产基地将精力集中在飞机的整体组装上。
Boeing is likely to launch its latest jetliner without a U.S. customer. It tentatively will offer a new 200-seat jet for sale to Japan's two biggest airlines. 波音是可能的没有一个美国顾客运行它的最近的喷射客机。它将尝试性地提供到日本的2架最大的飞机待售的一口新的200位子喷气。
Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft. 波音公司是世界领先的航空航天公司,并且是商用喷气客机和军用飞机最大的制造商。
Boeing of the US and Europe's Airbus have a duopoly in the market for big jets of 100 seats or more. 在100座以上的大型客机市场,美国的波音和欧洲的空客共同占据了垄断地位。
Boeing said in a statement it planned to finalize the agreements for the single-aisle planes with individual Chinese airlines over the next few weeks. 波音发表声明时说,它准备在未来数周内和中国私人航空公司确定单走道飞机的购买协议。
Boeing said the main body of each 787 will arrive at its main assembly plant in six pieces from around the world. 波音公司说:用于组装客机主体的6个组件将从世界各地运抵西雅图的主组装厂。
Boeing shares closed down 22 cents at $80.57 on the New York Stock Exchange. 波音在纽约股票市场以80.57美元收盘,下降了22美分。
Boeing space and defence workers are on strike in the U.S., fighting against the company's latest concessionary offer. 美国波音航空和国防工人进行罢工,反对公司最新的特许提议。
Boeing wants to use existing wing and tail control surfaces that shift up and down about 20 degrees in a coordinated fashion to disrupt the vortical flow. 波音公司则利用现成的机翼与机尾控制面,让它们互相协调、上下移动20度,以扰乱涡流。
Boeing will close its onboard internet service for passengers by the end of the year in a move likely to anger carriers and dampen hopes that in-flight mobile phone services will soon be economically viable. 波音公司将在今年底前停止为乘客提供机舱互联网服务,此举可能激怒航空公司,并打击机舱移动电话服务很快将在经济上可行的希望.
Boeing's activities grew out of President Nixon's visit in 1972 and the company now buys parts from Chinese suppliers for all of its aircraft, including doors and wing panels for the 737, wing-ribs for the 747 and the rudder[2] for the new 787. 1972年尼克松访华为波音叩响了中国的大门,现在该公司所有飞机的零部件,如737的舱门和翼片、747的翼肋及787新机型的方向舵,都购自中国供应商。

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