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Purification and characterization of fibrinolytic enzyme from Typha angustifolia L.;

Experimental study on significance of pancreatic cells apoptosis in course of severe acute pancreatitis and mechanism of arginine; 重症急性胰腺炎胰腺细胞凋亡的意义及精氨酸促凋亡机制的研究
Technique improvement on traditional animal model with severe acute pancreatitis in rats; 重症急性胰腺炎大鼠模型制作方法的改进
Selection of clinical treat memt methold on the serve acute pancreatitis; 重症急性胰腺炎89例临床分析
Serve acute pancreatitis(SAP)is a common acute abdomen characterized by sudden occurrence, complications and a high mortality rate. 重症急性胰腺炎(serve acute pancreatitis,SAP)是常见的急腹症,其发病急、并发症高、病死率高。
Modernistic recognition on Siqi and Wuwei Theory of traditional Chinese medicine; 中药四气五味的现代认识
Purification and characterization of fibrinolytic enzyme from Typha angustifolia L.; 中药蒲黄纤溶蛋白的分离纯化及部分性质
In the present study, a new method of microwave-assisted extraction(MAE) has been used to extract triterpene glucoside from Siraitia grosvenorii. 中药罗汉果是广西特产,本文采用微波辅助提取技术,从罗汉果中提取罗汉果皂苷,并优化出最佳的微波提取功率、微波辐射时间、固液比及原料的粉碎度。
Pharmacognostical Studies on the Chinese Drug Fupenzi I; 中药覆盆子类的生药学研究Ⅰ
Physicochemical Identification of Chinese Drug Fupenzi (Fructus Rubus Chingii) and Its Adulteration Maoshuanmei (Fructus Rubus Lasiostylus); 中药覆盆子及其混淆品毛栓莓的理化鉴别
Comparisons between Chinese and the West Alchemy──Analizing the Causes Why Chinese Alchemy Could not Trasform into the Modern Chemistry; 中西方金丹术比较──兼谈中国金丹术为何未能转变为近代化学
Experimental study on emergency management of shock due to heatstroke; 中暑休克抢救的实验研究

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