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The liver is a vital organ.

The lively pedestrian zone flanked by colonial buildings with their teeming side streets are not at all reminiscent of religious contemplation. 位于具有众多小巷的殖民风格的建筑群一侧是生机勃勃的行人区,这一点也不会使人联想到宗教。
The lively pedestrian zone flanked15 by colonial buildings with their teeming16 side streets are not at all reminiscent of religious contemplation17. 行人区内十分热闹,四边都是殖民地风格的建筑,小街纵横交错,这里一点宗教气氛都没有。
The lively survivor surveyed the conveyer. 活泼的幸存者考察了输送装置.
The liver dysfunction can be found in patients after orthotopic liver transplantation due to the following factors: the relapse of original disease, especially hepatitis B and C, new virus infection, chronic rejection, anti-rejection drug toxin. 摘要已度过围手术期的肝移植患者,肝功能再次异常的原因主要包括原发病的复发,特别是乙型和丙型肝炎的复发、新病毒感染,特别是巨细胞病毒的感染、慢性排斥反应、排斥药物中毒所致肝损害等。
The liver injury with chronic alcoholism leads to fibrosis and regeneration of the hepatocytes in nodules. This firm, nodular appearance of the liver as seen here is called cirrhosis. 细胞损伤时细胞内的沉积物是多种多样的。肝细胞损伤尤其是长期酒精性损伤导致脂蛋白大量异常转运从而使脂质在肝实质细胞内大量沉积。
The liver is a vital organ. 肝脏是极其重要的器官。
The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). 肝脏内遍布着胆管,胆管将胆汁运送到一个大的管道(胆总管)里。
The liver meridian connects with the gallbladder to form an exteriorinterior relationship. 肝经与胆经相连形成表里关系。
The liver shows a small abscess here filled with many neutrophils. This abscess is an example of localized liquefactive necrosis. 肝脏小脓肿,充满了嗜中性粒细胞。该脓肿是局部性液化性坏死的典型例子。
The lives is more intriguing and complicated than drama, means in the real life, it was presented in an even more profound and rigorous manner, which is never appeared superficial at street-lamp of the snowy evening. 生活远远比戏剧更复杂更有趣,也就意味着,在现实中有着更为深刻更为慎密的出现方式,决不会在有雪的深夜出现在路灯下这么肤浅。
The lives lost in Japan's train derailment accident have risen to 104 as of Thursday. 日本兵库县尼崎市火车脱轨事故的死亡人数已经升至104人。

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