On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice. He danced, howled, raved and otherwise disturbed the welkin.
索丕在人行道发起“酒疯”来。他装疯卖傻,胡言乱语,手舞足蹈,;他声嘶力竭,又喊又叫,或号啕大哭,或咆哮怒吼,简直搅得天翻地覆。 |
On the site of the excavations there was no evidence of preoccupation.
在这些古物出土地点并没有先占的迹象。 |
On the sixth floor, there is an open air courtyard between the three buildings that has a boccie ball court as well as a basketball court.
在六楼上,有一个户外庭院坐落在三栋建筑之间里面还有室外地滚球场和篮球场。 |
On the sky of Munich, I took the picture of the land.
在德国慕尼黑上空,我拍摄到了该市地面的像片。 |
On the small way across one hill, gale's sounds was very noisy, it was impossible we were blew down to cliff on each side of the road if we were a little bit careless.
在翻越针山的山脊小路上,狂风夹着雾气在耳边呼呼作响,一个重心不稳就可能将我们吹下两边的山崖。 |
On the smooth wave in trembling beauty sleep.
在微浪的美妙颤抖中缓缓合目。 |
On the social side, information is collected by group discussions, formal interviews and workshops on intellectual property that include Embera and non-Embera, including lawyers.
在社会的方面,资讯在小组讨论中集结,关于智慧产权的正式面谈以及研讨会包含安比拉成员及非安比拉成员,像是律师。 |
On the social side, the need to preserve the error-free nature of the Veda served as a justification to prevent teaching and propagation of the text to those considered unworthy of receiving it, by virtue of caste and gender.
在社会方面,需要保持有错误——但自由本性的吠陀作为正当的理由去防止把文献教导和传播给那些被认为是不值得听的人,那是由于印度的世袭阶级和种姓。 |
On the soft side for a New Zealand Sauvignon, with pretty passion fruit and stony mineral aromas and flavors, finishing friendly and open.
这是一款柔和的新西兰白苏维翁,蕴含迷人的西番莲果香和矿物质的清香与口味,回味柔和持久。 |
On the south side of the river, secret Communist agents had already organized peasant guerrilla bands to aid in the crossing.
在江南地区,共产党的地下工作人员已经组织起许多农民游击队,配合大军渡江。 |
On the south the land belonged to Ephraim, on the north to Manasseh.
10南归以法莲,北归玛拿西,以海为界。 |